Membership Categories

Full Member

  • A physician who holds a postgraduate diploma in Anaesthesia from a recognised institution;
  • A physician who holds a Master of Medicine degree in Anaesthesia from a recognised institution;
  • A physician who has successfully completed the Specialist Training Programme (STP) in Anaesthesia and Critical Care under the Zambia College of Medicine and Surgery;
  • A physician who has successfully fulfilled requirements under the College of Anaesthetists of East, Central and Southern Africa (CANECSA);
  • A physician who has successfully undertaken specialist exit (final) exams and has completed five (5) years of specialist training;
  • A Zambian registered physician anaesthetist who is working abroad for a limited period of time (up to one (1) year);
  • Full members must be permanently resident in Zambia and have a current Health Professionals Council of Zambia (HPCZ) registration and be in good standing with HPCZ.

Registration Fee: ZMW 500.00

  Annual Fee: ZMW 1000.00 

Total: ZMW 1,500

Local Associate

A fully qualified physician who is practising in fields related to anaesthesia or anaesthetic practice and who is permanently resident in Zambia.

Registration Fee: ZMW 500.00 

Annual Fee: ZMW 1000.00 

Total: ZMW 1,500

International Associate

A practicing anaesthetist permanently resident outside Zambia and does not have HPCZ registration. . 

Registration Fee: $ USD 50.00 

Annual Fee: $ USD 100.00 

Total: $ USD150

Student Local & International

  • Local Post-graduate students studying anaesthesia in Zambia
  • International Post-graduate students studying anaesthesia abroad

Local student Fee: ZMW 750.00 

International Student: $ USD 100.00 


An anaesthetist who is retired from clinical practice and working no more than the equivalent of two days a week (retired anaesthetist, etc).

Annual Membership Fee: ZMW 1000.00 


A non-physician anaesthetist and/or critical care member of staff (clinical officer anaesthetists, nurse anaesthetists, critical care nurses, etc.).

Registration Fee: ZMW 250.00

Annual Fee: ZMW 500.00 

Total: ZMW 750